Title: Altai Legends Health Power: Alcohol-Free Pantocrine Herbal Balm for Immunity & Energy
Altai Legends Health Power, an alcohol-free pantocrine herbal balm, strengthens immunity and supports cardiovascular health. This potent blend combats viral and cold symptoms, boosting both mental and physical energy. Key ingredients include:
- Altai Maral Deer Antler Velvet: Known for its immune-boosting, restorative, anti-inflammatory, and toning properties. A natural antidepressant and adaptogen, it combats fatigue and enhances cognitive and physical performance without causing dependency.
- Lingonberry (Cowberry): Rich in vitamins (A, B, C, E, K), minerals, antioxidants, and folic acid, lingonberries strengthen immunity, fight viral infections, and support cardiovascular health. Their organic acids also promote digestive well-being.
- Rhodiola Rosea (Golden Root): This adaptogen regulates the central nervous system, relieving stress, anxiety, and fatigue associated with conditions like neurasthenia and VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). It enhances overall resilience and aids post-illness recovery.
Take 1-2 teaspoons (5-10ml) 3 times daily, 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. Mix into 200ml of water, tea, coffee, milk, or another beverage, or consume directly. Pairs exceptionally well with sparkling or mineral water. Recommended course: 30 days, extendable as needed. Shake well before use; sediment may occur.
Altai Legends, Health Power, Pantocrine Balm, Alcohol-Free, Herbal Remedy, Immunity Booster, Cardiovascular Support, Adaptogen, Antidepressant, Maral Deer Antler Velvet, Lingonberry, Rhodiola Rosea, Golden Root, Energy Booster, Stress Relief, Fatigue Relief, Viral Infection, Cold Remedy, Natural Supplement, Altai Mountains, Siberian Herbs, Health and Wellness, Natural Remedy, Immune System Support.