Title: Altai Golden Collection: Blood Sugar Support (20 x 1.5g Sachets)
This Altai Golden Collection herbal blend supports healthy blood sugar levels. Featuring kidney bean husks (known for their blood sugar-lowering, diuretic, and antimicrobial properties), galega (which helps restore metabolic processes disrupted by high blood sugar), chicory root (to normalize metabolism, protect against high glucose, increase stamina, cleanse vessels, and reduce fatigue), and other carefully selected herbs. This convenient 20-sachet pack provides a simple and natural way to manage your blood sugar. Contains thyme, kidney bean husks, galega, hibiscus flowers, chicory root, and dandelion root. Store in a dry place with humidity not exceeding 70%. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or individuals with allergies to the ingredients. Brew one 1.5g sachet in 100ml boiling water (1/2 cup) for 15-20 minutes. Take 2-3 times daily before meals for 3-4 weeks. May be repeated as needed.
Altai Golden Collection, blood sugar support, blood sugar control, herbal remedy, natural remedy, diabetes support, kidney bean husks, galega, chicory root, thyme, hibiscus, dandelion root, herbal tea, dietary supplement, 20 sachets, 1.5g sachets, healthy blood sugar levels, metabolic health, glucose control, natural blood sugar regulation.