AlmaDez-Express 63% Alcohol Hand & Surface Disinfectant (5L)
AlmaDez-Express is a 2-in-1 solution: a powerful hand antiseptic and surface disinfectant. This 5-liter bottle of alcohol-based (63% isopropyl alcohol + quaternary ammonium compounds) formula effectively eliminates germs and bacteria, providing broad-spectrum protection for both skin and surfaces. Ideal for high-traffic areas and demanding hygiene requirements. Product code: AE-506.
(List of ingredients here)
Instructions for Use:
(Instructions for hand and surface disinfection here)
Safety Precautions:
(Safety precautions and potential hazards here)
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“name”: “AlmaDez-Express 63% Alcohol Hand & Surface Disinfectant (5L)”,
“description”: “A powerful 2-in-1 hand antiseptic and surface disinfectant.”,
“image”: “almadez-express-5l.jpg”,
“sku”: “AE-506”,
“brand”: {
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“name”: “AlmaDez”
“offers”: {
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