Title: GraceBioQ Alfalfa: Chlorophyll Power for Liver, Kidney, & Vascular Cleansing & Immune Support (60 Capsules)
Description: GraceBioQ Alfalfa capsules are a rich source of chlorophyll, supporting detoxification and overall well-being. Each capsule provides vitamins A, E, B1, B6, B12, C, and K, along with iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and essential trace minerals. Experience enhanced cardiovascular health, a strengthened immune system, and a boosted metabolism. High in fiber, it aids digestion, reduces appetite (supporting weight management), and helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This potent herbal detox formula acts as a powerful antioxidant, cleansing the body of parasites, promoting liver, lymphatic, and intestinal cleansing. It also improves gut function, reduces inflammation and pain (arthritis relief), strengthens gut microbiota, and boosts energy levels. Its gentle diuretic properties help reduce bloating. For optimal results, combine with other supplements like chlorella, spirulina, or bran. 100% natural, safe for long-term use, and certified according to EAEU standards. GraceBioQ Alfalfa Concentrate (Alfalfa GraceBioQ) is not a drug or dietary supplement. Scan the QR code on the bottle after purchase to receive a gift!