Title: Larch Agaricus (Fomitopsis officinalis) – 30g, 2 Packs – Natural Remedy
Discover the power of Larch Agaricus (Fomitopsis officinalis), a natural remedy sourced from the pristine Altai Mountains, the “Pearl of Siberia.” This traditional herbal remedy, part of the “Gifts of Nature” series, leverages centuries of folk medicine knowledge. Known for its hemostatic, sedative, and hypnotic properties, Larch Agaricus supports respiratory health, aiding in the management of conditions like asthma and tuberculosis. Its hepatoprotective action promotes healthy liver function, including bile secretion and fat metabolism, making it a useful addition to weight management programs. It may also offer benefits for those with Graves’ disease, diabetes, and neuralgia. This high-quality, 100% pure Larch Agaricus is packaged in convenient 30g packs (2 packs included).
Preparation and Usage:
Steep 1 teaspoon of powdered Larch Agaricus in one cup of boiling water for 8-10 hours. Strain and consume 1/3 cup three times daily.
Individual intolerance. Not recommended during pregnancy.
Store in the original packaging, away from direct light. Refrigerate prepared infusions and consume within 2 days.
30g pack (2 packs included) of 100% pure Larch Agaricus (Fomitopsis officinalis) powder.
Larch Agaricus, Fomitopsis officinalis, Agaricus, Chaga, liver health, weight loss, respiratory health, asthma, tuberculosis, herbal remedy, natural remedy, Altai Mountains, Siberia, folk medicine, hemostasis, sedative, hypnotic, Graves’ disease, diabetes, neuralgia, weight management, 30g, 2 packs, supplement, natural supplement, herbal supplement.