Title: Adult Diapers XL (112-152cm Waist) – 10 Count – Heavy Absorbency for Incontinence
Experience superior comfort and protection with Double Love Adult Diapers, designed for individuals dealing with all levels of incontinence. These XL diapers (112-152cm waist) offer exceptional overnight and daytime absorbency, making them ideal for bedridden individuals and those with limited mobility.
Our innovative design features breathable materials promoting air circulation around the thighs, pelvic bones, and sacrum, reducing the risk of rashes and pressure sores. A double-layered cotton core quickly absorbs and locks away moisture, keeping skin dry and comfortable. Advanced 3D channels provide leak protection, ensuring superior security against side spills.
The ultra-soft, nano-technology top sheet gently conforms to the body for maximum comfort and efficient fluid distribution. Re-fastenable, elastic tabs allow for a customized and secure fit without restricting movement. A dual wetness indicator clearly signals when a change is needed. Suitable for both men and women. 10 diapers per pack. Experience the Double Love difference.