Title: Adult Diapers XL (Waist/Hip up to 175cm), High Absorption (2800ml), Code 22-01-13
Senso Med Standart Plus adult diapers, size XL, offer superior protection for moderate to severe incontinence and are ideal for bedridden patients. Designed for a waist/hip circumference of 130-170cm, these diapers boast maximum absorbency of 2800ml, providing reliable day and night protection against leaks. Each pack contains 30 disposable diapers, ensuring a sufficient supply for several weeks.
These medical-grade incontinence products are designed for easy care of bedridden and less mobile individuals. They effectively absorb moisture, offer reliable day and night protection, and feature a convenient wetness indicator that changes color when the diaper needs changing. The soft, breathable outer layer is gentle on the skin, preventing irritation and rashes. A dual absorbent layer ensures rapid absorption and secure containment of fluids and odors.
Suitable for both men and women, these versatile diapers feature reusable side fasteners for easy application and removal, allowing for multiple uses if the diaper remains dry. The soft, comfortable material ensures a pleasant feel, while the hydrophobic side barriers provide extra leak protection. Manufactured in Belarus using high-quality European materials, Senso Med adult diapers guarantee superior quality and performance. Find relief and confidence with Senso Med Standart Plus.