Title: Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus Contact Lenses (-4.75, 8.4)
Experience all-day comfort with Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus contact lenses. These bi-weekly lenses from Johnson & Johnson are designed for individuals who spend extended periods in dry environments or working on computers. Hydraclear Plus technology provides an incredibly smooth and soft lens feel, maximizing comfort. A patented moisturizing agent keeps your eyes hydrated throughout the wear. Made from silicone hydrogel for superior oxygen permeability, promoting healthy eyes. Plus, built-in UV filters block over 95% of UVA and 99% of UVB rays. Wear Acuvue Oasys for up to two weeks with a maximum of 12 hours daily wear, or up to seven days continuously. Ideal for those experiencing eye strain, these certified lenses offer both daily and extended wear options. Replace every two weeks (daily wear) or every one week (extended wear).
SEO Keywords:
Acuvue Oasys, Hydraclear Plus, contact lenses, -4.75, 8.4, Johnson & Johnson, bi-weekly lenses, silicone hydrogel, dry eyes, computer vision syndrome, UV protection, UVA protection, UVB protection, comfortable contact lenses, extended wear contact lenses, daily wear contact lenses, 2 week contact lenses, eye health, certified contact lenses, contact lens replacement schedule.