Title: 70g Altai Thyme: Powerful Antibacterial & Immune-Boosting Herb
Description: Altai thyme (70g), a member of the thyme family with over 200 species, is a powerhouse of nutrients, rich in copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, A, and K. Its potent antibacterial properties, thanks to thymol and carvacrol in its essential oil, make it effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella Typhi, and even household mold. Enjoy its numerous health benefits: soothe coughs, improve digestion, boost immunity, accelerate metabolism, sharpen cognitive function, protect heart health, and prevent anemia. Altai thyme is a versatile culinary herb, perfect in Mediterranean cuisine – add it to soups, meats, fish, salads, and even desserts! Brew it into a soothing tea or use it for pickling. Discover the potent healing and culinary uses of this exceptional herb.