Title: Light & Sound Panel “Stairway of Light” – 6-Cell Sensory Integration Tool
The interactive “Stairway of Light” light and sound panel is a perfect addition to any sensory room. This engaging tool helps children develop vocal skills and visual memory, while reducing stress and boosting mood. Crafted from natural materials, it meets the highest safety standards. A wireless remote control allows easy switching between various operational modes. A key feature is its highly sensitive built-in microphone, making it ideal for children with hearing or visual impairments.
Delivered fully assembled in protective packaging, the panel ensures safe transport. It complies with [mention relevant country’s] early childhood education standards and accessibility guidelines.
Five Operational Modes:
- Automatic: Colors cycle automatically.
- Manual: User selects and controls colors.
- Interactive: Colors react dynamically to external sounds.
- Static Light: All cells illuminate simultaneously.
- Dynamic Light: Cells illuminate sequentially from bottom to top and top to bottom with a fade effect.
- Dimensions (6-cell): 100cm x 40cm x 10cm (39.4″ x 15.7″ x 3.9″)
- Materials: MDF, plywood, plastic
- Power: 220V
Package Contents:
- Light and Sound Panel
- Wireless Remote Control
- Power Supply
- User Manual
This sensory panel provides a stimulating and therapeutic experience for children of all abilities, promoting development and well-being within a safe and engaging environment. Ideal for therapists, educators, and parents seeking tools to support sensory integration.