Title: 50ml Sterile Disposable Syringe (Luer Lock) – 20 Pack (Needleless)
This 50ml sterile, disposable syringe with a Luer Lock connection is an essential tool for precise fluid delivery in medical settings. Made from high-quality, medical-grade polypropylene, it ensures compatibility with a wide range of medications and solutions. The absence of a pre-attached needle allows for the selection of the optimal needle gauge for any specific procedure.
The secure Luer Lock fitting guarantees a leak-proof connection, crucial for administering viscous or oily medications. The 50ml capacity is ideal for larger volume injections or infusions. Each pack contains 20 individually packaged syringes, ensuring a sufficient supply for various applications. The convenient blister packaging (medical paper and polyamide film) maintains sterility.
Key Features:
- Volume: 50ml
- Connection Type: Luer Lock
- Quantity: 20 syringes per pack
- Sterile & Disposable: Ensures hygiene and safety. Discard after single use.
- Needleless: Allows for selection of appropriate needle size.
- High-Quality Polypropylene: Biocompatible and durable.
- Individual Packaging: Maintains sterility.
Important Note:
Do not use if individual packaging is damaged. Dispose of properly after use.