Title: Back Massager with 4 Height Levels – 37 x 24.5 cm
Experience deep relaxation and relief from back and lower back pain with this innovative four-level back massager. Its gentle, acupressure-like design uses strategically placed nodules to target tense muscles, releasing spinal tension and improving flexibility. The cushioned center protects your spine, while the adjustable height levels (four in total) cater to users of all experience levels, from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Start with the lowest level and gradually increase the height as your body adapts for a comfortable and effective massage.
Designed for optimal comfort and ease of use, this 37 x 24.5 cm massager promotes better posture, eases discomfort from prolonged sitting or standing, and helps alleviate muscle stiffness caused by heavy lifting or carrying excess weight. Simply place the massager on a firm surface and use for 5-10 minutes, 1-2 times daily. Follow up with a short rest or sleep for maximum benefit.
This versatile back support also doubles as a lumbar support for office or car seats, providing much-needed relief during extended periods of inactivity.
Important Note:
This product is not suitable for individuals with spinal injuries, diseases, or high blood pressure. Consult your physician if you have any concerns before using this product.