Title: 34G x 6mm Medical Injection Needles (100 Count)
Enhanced Description
Experience precision and comfort with our 34G x 6mm medical injection needles, perfect for mesotherapy and a wide range of cosmetic procedures. These ultra-fine needles boast a 30-degree bevel and diamond-sharpened tip, minimizing tissue trauma and ensuring accurate drug delivery. Manufactured from high-quality, hypoallergenic stainless steel and medical-grade plastic, these needles are designed for single use, guaranteeing safety and hygiene.
Ideal for delivering hyaluronic acid (up to 10mg/ml, 1%), as well as other injectables like amino acids, peptides, and vitamins used in biorevitalization and bioreparative treatments. Their ergonomic design enhances ease of use and comfort during procedures. Each needle comes individually packaged in sturdy plastic for optimal protection and sterility. Choose quality and precision—choose our 34G x 6mm medical injection needles.