Title: 25mm Vacuum Cupping Massage Jar for Cellulite & Therapeutic Use
The Beauty Cups 25mm vacuum cupping jar is a versatile medical-grade device used for a variety of therapeutic and cosmetic applications. It’s effective in physiotherapy treatments for respiratory conditions like bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleurisy, and as a preventative measure against hypostatic pneumonia. This massage cup is also ideal for static and kinetic vacuum therapy addressing conditions such as myositis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, neuritis, perineuritis, osteochondrosis, and inflammatory conditions of muscles and nerve trunks.
Beyond therapeutic uses, this cupping jar is a popular choice for cosmetic and wellness purposes, including anti-cellulite, cosmetic, and therapeutic massage. Vacuum massage stimulates blood and lymph flow to the skin, improving skin nourishment, elasticity, and firmness. The method involves applying vacuum pressure to the skin, promoting rapid blood flow to tissues, enhancing nourishment and detoxification. This process is comparable to the cleansing effects of a sauna, helping eliminate excess salts and toxins. Cupping massage effectively addresses cosmetic imperfections and signs of aging, and is even used in post-operative rehabilitation. It’s particularly beneficial for weight loss and reducing fat deposits in the thighs, abdomen, and legs.
Important Considerations:
- Consult a healthcare professional: Always consult with a doctor or qualified healthcare provider before using vacuum cupping, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.
- Contraindications: Cupping massage is contraindicated in the following cases: oncological or benign tumors; acute inflammatory processes and high fever; advanced stages of hypertension (as it increases cardiac and vascular load); skin diseases, large moles, or pigmented lesions in the treatment area; kidney diseases, particularly nephrolithiasis; pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, and post-abortion periods; general exhaustion; and insufficient subcutaneous fat.
- Post-treatment effects: After cupping massage, you may experience temporary bruising that typically fades within 3-5 days. The color of the marks can provide insights into your health: crimson indicates stagnant processes requiring increased physical activity and continued massage therapy; red spots with small dark points suggest circulatory problems; bluish marks indicate excess toxins; and swelling may indicate hormonal imbalances. Cupping should be considered one part of a holistic health regimen.
Product Specifications:
- Diameter: 25mm
- Material: PVC
Remember that cupping massage is most effective as part of a comprehensive wellness plan, and should always be undertaken under professional guidance. It’s crucial to consider individual health conditions and follow medical advice for optimal results and safety.