Title: 25G x 50mm Blunt Cannula for Contouring & Dermal Filler Injections (10 Pack)
Experience superior precision and safety with our 25G x 50mm blunt cannula, designed for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. This cannula features a blunt tip, minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues, and includes a separate sharp needle for initial puncture. Ideal for a wide range of aesthetic treatments, including:
- Hydration & Revitalization: Biorevitalization and mesotherapy for optimal skin hydration.
- Age Management: Reduce the appearance of under-eye circles, puffiness, wrinkles, and skin laxity with filler injections.
- Facial Contouring: Refine facial features and achieve a more defined jawline and overall facial structure.
- Volume Enhancement: Add volume to specific areas for a natural-looking enhancement.
Our blunt cannulas are perfect for contouring and bioreparation procedures, offering a fast and safe treatment for your clients. The Luer lock design ensures compatibility with all standard syringes. The 25G size is suitable for medium to high-viscosity fillers and plasma treatments. Each pack contains 10 sterile cannulas – the ultimate essential for any professional cosmetology practice.