Title: 23G x 70mm Blunt Cannulas for Contouring (10 Pack)
These premium 23G x 70mm blunt cannulas are designed for minimally invasive contouring procedures. Manufactured from surgical-grade stainless steel, each cannula features a side port for smooth, even product delivery and a blunt tip to minimize trauma. A trocar needle is included for precise entry point creation. Length markings ensure accurate depth control during injection.
The blunt, rounded tip significantly reduces the risk of damaging blood vessels, nerves, and muscle fibers, leading to reduced bleeding, bruising, and patient discomfort. The atraumatic design helps avoid vascular occlusion by gently maneuvering around blood vessels instead of piercing them. This results in faster procedure times and shorter recovery periods.
Ideal for a wide range of applications including:
- Facial contouring
- Jawline definition
- Volumetric facial fillers
- Bio-augmentation
- Wrinkle reduction
- Tear trough correction
- Creating structural support (rib creation)
- Body sculpting
Key Features:
- Sterile, single-use cannulas
- 5-year shelf life
- Pack of 10 (Note: The original text mentions 50, this should be clarified.)
- Made in Korea