Title: Surecan 22G (0.7 x 15mm) Winged Infusion Needle with Extension Set
The Surecan 22G (0.7 x 15mm) winged infusion needle with extension set is designed for prolonged infusions (up to 5 days), fluid and medication administration, and blood sampling and transfusion via implanted ports. Its bevelled tip ensures easy penetration of the silicone membrane without damage or perforation, maintaining a stable position within the port. Key features include:
- 22G size: (0.7mm diameter x 15mm length)
- Latex and phthalate-free: Ensuring biocompatibility.
- MRI and CT compatible: Allowing for continued imaging.
- Sterile packaging: Maintaining hygiene.
- One-hand operation: Convenient extension set with secure clamp.
- Long-lasting infusion: Suitable for up to 5 days.
- Suitable for implanted ports: Facilitates efficient access.
Manufactured by B. Braun (Germany), produced in Malaysia. RU FSZ No. 2008/03188. Sold individually.