Title: 21G x 70mm Cannulas for Contouring (10 Pack)
Enhanced Product Description
Experience superior precision and minimal invasiveness with our 21G x 70mm blunt-tip cannulas, designed for a wide range of contouring procedures. Manufactured from high-grade surgical steel, these cannulas feature a side port for smooth, even product distribution and a rounded, atraumatic tip to minimize tissue damage. Each cannula includes a trochar needle for easy insertion. Clear length markings provide precise depth control during application.
Key Benefits
- Reduced Trauma: The blunt tip significantly reduces the risk of damaging blood vessels, nerves, and muscle fibers, leading to faster healing and minimized bruising.
- Improved Safety: The atraumatic design helps avoid vascular occlusion (vessel blockage), ensuring a safer procedure.
- Enhanced Comfort: Patients experience less discomfort and pain during treatment, resulting in improved patient satisfaction.
- Faster Procedures: The smooth flow of product and reduced trauma contribute to shorter procedure times.
- Shorter Recovery: Minimal tissue disruption translates to faster healing and reduced recovery time.
Ideal for a Variety of Applications
- Facial contouring
- Jawline definition
- Volumetric procedures
- Bio-augmentation
- Wrinkle correction
- Tear trough correction
- Creating structural support (rib creation)
- Sculptural facial and body shaping
Product Specifications
- Gauge: 21G
- Length: 70mm
- Material: Surgical Steel
- Sterile: Yes
- Single-use: Yes
- Quantity: 10 per pack
- Shelf life: 5 years
- Country of Origin: Korea
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