Title: 21G x 50mm Blunt Tip Cannula for Contouring & Cosmetic Procedures (10 Pack)
These sterile, single-use 21G x 50mm cannulas are designed for safe and effective contouring and cosmetic procedures. Their blunt tip minimizes trauma to tissues, ensuring a comfortable experience for your clients. Easily connect to any standard syringe for convenient application.
Ideal for a range of procedures, including:
- Hydration Treatments: Biorevitalization and mesotherapy for optimal skin hydration.
- Age Management: Reduce under-eye circles, puffiness, wrinkles, and skin laxity using facial fillers.
- Facial Contouring: Correct facial oval asymmetry and enhance specific features.
- Volume Augmentation: Add volume to targeted areas.
Made from high-quality, hypoallergenic medical-grade steel and plastic, these cannulas are individually packaged for hygiene and single-use. Each cannula includes a trocar for easy insertion. The atraumatic, blunt design allows for gentle, precise delivery of dermal fillers, minimizing bruising and hematoma risk. Suitable for delicate areas like the glabella, under-eyes, temples, cheekbones, jawline, and upper/lower extremities. The optimal size allows for both subcutaneous and periosteal injections in the deepest dermal layers, ensuring safe and effective results.
Key Features:
- 21G x 50mm
- Blunt Tip Cannula
- Sterile and Single-Use
- Hypoallergenic Materials
- Includes Trocar
- Minimizes Bruising and Trauma
- Ideal for Delicate Areas
- Pack of 10