Title: Huber Needle (20G, 0.9mm, 25mm, 5 Pack) for Implantable Port Access
These 20G (0.9mm) x 25mm Huber needles (5-pack) from ISOMed s.a.r.l. (France) are designed for reliable access to implantable port systems. Ideal for prolonged infusions (up to 72 hours) of analgesics, chemotherapeutic agents, parenteral nutrition, and blood products. The unique Huber needle tip gently displaces the silicone septum, ensuring minimal trauma and extended port system lifespan. Unlike silicone-coated needles, these needles minimize the risk of dislodgement. The included extension tubing with luer lock connector (20cm length) features a convenient clamp for one-handed operation, is latex- and phthalate-free, and resists kinking and breakage. Soft wings provide precise placement, while the universal Luer lock connector is color-coded for easy identification. These needles offer a secure, reliable, and comfortable solution for accessing your implantable port.