Title: TTK A-6 Irrigation Syringe with Soft Tip (200ml)
The TTK A-6 200ml plastisol irrigation syringe with a soft tip is a classic, versatile bulb syringe that should be a staple in any home first-aid kit. Its soft, pliable bulb ensures comfortable and safe use. The smooth, pore-free surface guarantees hygienic and hypoallergenic properties. The bulb is made from non-toxic plastisol, and the tip is crafted from polypropylene and plastisol, enabling it to withstand a full cycle of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, and sterilization in accordance with OST 42–2–21. It’s resistant to alcohol and alcohol-water solutions, as well as pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (GOST 177-88). After sterilization, it remains undeformed, with no visible cracks. With a capacity of 200 ± 30 ml, it’s perfectly sized for home use. Its skin-toned color adds an aesthetic touch. WARNING: DO NOT USE WITH OIL-BASED SUBSTANCES.
SEO Keywords:
Irrigation syringe, bulb syringe, TTK A-6, 200ml syringe, soft tip syringe, plastisol syringe, medical syringe, home healthcare, first aid kit, sterilization, disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, hypoallergenic, non-toxic, GOST 177-88, OST 42–2–21, hydrogen peroxide sterilization, skin-toned syringe, medical supplies.