Title: Glass Vacuum Face Massage Cups (Set of 2) with Gift Mask
Experience the rejuvenating power of vacuum face massage with this premium set of two glass cups (1.5cm and 2.4cm). See noticeable results in just 2-3 sessions! This comprehensive skincare treatment works on both the epidermis and dermis for maximum impact. Benefits include:
- Reduced Puffiness & Dark Circles: Stimulates lymphatic drainage, minimizing puffiness, under-eye bags, and dark circles.
- Enhanced Skin Rejuvenation: Promotes collagen growth and skin regeneration through increased blood circulation.
- Improved Product Absorption: Boosts the absorption of your favorite skincare products deep into the skin.
- Increased Collagen Production: Naturally stimulates blood flow, significantly increasing collagen production. This lifting effect helps to tighten and tone the skin.
- Improved Circulation & Lymphatic Flow: Enhances surface circulation, lymphatic flow, and relieves muscle tension, maximizing nutrient absorption.
- Minimized Wrinkles & Cellulite: Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, cellulite, and puffiness, leaving your skin firmer and healthier.
- Post-Operative Aid: Assists in post-operative healing, reducing scar tissue and fluid retention.
Set Includes:
- Two glass vacuum cups (1.5cm & 2.4cm)
- Gift: Facial Mask
- Elegant Gift Packaging
- Material: Silicone & Glass
- Color: White
How to Use:
- Warm-up: Perform the massage after exercise or a shower (avoid steaming, which may cause bruising).
- Cleanse: Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser and toner.
- Apply Oil: Apply a generous amount of your favorite massage oil (use more than usual if it’s fast-absorbing).
- Massage: Gently squeeze the cup and place it on your skin. Move the cup along massage lines from the center of your face outwards. Pay special attention to the area between your eyebrows, a common area of muscle tension.
- Release: Gently release the vacuum to remove the cup.
This meticulously crafted set offers a luxurious and effective way to achieve radiant, youthful-looking skin. Order your set today and experience the difference!