Title: 1ml Insulin Syringes with 31G Needle (100 Count) for Botulinum Toxin Injections
Description: Premium 1ml insulin syringes with integrated 31G (0.26 x 8mm) needles, U100 (50 units), are specifically designed for cosmeticians performing botulinum toxin injections. Each box contains 100 syringes (10 packs of 10) offering superior smoothness and precision. Made with high-quality steel needles and a smooth-action plunger, ensuring accurate and comfortable injections. 5-year expiration date. Model FIS-013.
Keywords: insulin syringe, 1ml syringe, 31G needle, 8mm needle, U100 syringe, 100 count syringes, botulinum toxin, botox, botox injection, cosmetic injections, medical syringe, disposable syringe, sterile syringe, smooth plunger, high-quality syringe, FIS-013, cosmetology supplies.