Title: 1ml U-100 Insulin Syringe with 27G Needle (3-Part Luer Lock)
Enhanced Description:
This high-quality, sterile, and disposable 1ml U-100 insulin syringe features a 27G (0.4x12mm) needle and a convenient 3-part Luer lock design. Its precision engineering ensures accurate and reliable medication delivery. Primarily designed for administering insulin injections, this versatile syringe is also suitable for:
- Medical Injections: Intramuscular and intravenous administration of medications.
- Microdosing: Precise delivery of small amounts of medication for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes.
- Non-Medical Applications: A wide range of uses including irrigation, lubrication (e.g., automotive applications), cleaning, and filling applications (e.g., cartridges, atomizers, perfume).
This single-use syringe guarantees sterility and safety, providing peace of mind for both medical and non-medical applications. Order your 1ml U-100 insulin syringes with 27G needles today.