Title: Rubber Tip for Walking Canes and Crutches (19mm Diameter)
Description: This durable rubber tip provides superior shock absorption and stability for canes, crutches, walkers, and mobility aids. Its soft, resilient material protects your equipment from wear and tear, prevents slipping, and eliminates noisy tapping sounds during movement. The large contact area enhances stability, while the robust construction ensures long-lasting performance. Featuring a metal inner insert for secure attachment, this universal tip is compatible with various cane and crutch types, including underarm, elbow, folding, and four-point crutches, as well as various walking aids for the elderly. Providing reliable grip on asphalt and uneven surfaces, it’s ideal for both indoor and outdoor use on various terrains. This medical-grade rehabilitation accessory is easy to install and remove, leaving no marks on floors. Designed for 19mm diameter shafts. Clean with a damp cloth and mild soap; avoid abrasive cleaners. Simply attach to the end of your cane, crutch, or walking aid for enhanced comfort and safety.