Title: 19G Butterfly Infusion Set (1.1x19mm, 20 Pack) for Small Veins
Butterfly needles, also known as winged infusion sets, offer a superior solution for intravenous access in delicate veins. Their small diameter needle, enclosed within flexible wings, is attached to a thin, flexible tube. This design allows for easy placement and secure fixation, minimizing the risk of needle displacement and venous trauma. Ideal for drawing blood samples from the wrist or administering medications, butterfly needles are frequently used on infants, patients with fragile veins, those in unstable conditions, and even animals. The flexible tubing and secure wings provide greater patient comfort and mobility compared to standard injection needles, making them suitable for extended procedures such as blood draws and intravenous infusions. These needles are color-coded for easy size identification. This pack contains 20 individually packaged 19G (1.1x19mm) butterfly needles.