Title: 18G Suruflon IV Catheter with Y-Site Port (10 Pack)
This 18G Suruflon peripheral intravenous (IV) catheter with a Y-site port and wings is designed for long-term intravenous infusions. Featuring a minimum outer diameter of 1.3mm and a length of 45mm, it boasts a flow rate of 95ml/min. The cannula is crafted from high-quality surgical stainless steel, ensuring strength and minimal wall thickness. A triple-bevel design facilitates atraumatic insertion, while the integrated stylet ensures easy manipulation. The smooth, flexible catheter, combined with precise cannula-to-catheter tip alignment, enables painless venous insertion. Dual radiopaque stripes allow for precise catheter location monitoring. The interconnected wings offer a slightly textured surface for secure and easy skin fixation. An integrated Luer-lock injection port allows for medication administration without additional punctures. The color-coded Y-site port cap clearly identifies the catheter size. A hydrophobic catheter cap prevents blood leakage, while a removable cap allows for quick closure. This catheter provides reliable intravascular access for up to 72 hours. This package contains 10 catheters.