Title: 18G (Green) Peripheral IV Catheter with Port (10 Pack)
This 18G (green) peripheral intravenous (IV) cannula with port provides reliable vascular access for a wide range of intravenous procedures. Ideal for patients requiring frequent IV therapy or those unable to take oral medications, this catheter ensures efficient and accurate drug delivery at the optimal concentration. Applications include:
- Medication Administration: Rapid and precise delivery of medications, especially crucial in emergency situations or when immediate therapeutic effects are needed.
- Chronic Disease Management: Facilitates repeated IV treatments for patients with long-term conditions.
- Bolus Injections: Suitable for administering medications such as antibiotics via rapid injection.
- Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring: Enables continuous and accurate blood pressure monitoring.
- Blood Sampling: Convenient access for a variety of blood tests, including blood gas analysis, liver function tests, urea and electrolyte levels, complete blood count, glucose tolerance testing, and therapeutic drug monitoring.
- Emergency Situations: Provides immediate vascular access for rapid fluid resuscitation and medication delivery in critical care settings.
- Blood Transfusions: Safe and efficient administration of blood products.
- Parenteral Nutrition: Supports parenteral nutrition (excluding lipid-containing solutions).
- Hydration: Effective fluid replacement therapy for dehydration.
This 10-pack of 18G green catheters offers a cost-effective solution for healthcare professionals requiring reliable and convenient vascular access.