Title: Wheatgrass Juice Powder (15-Day Supply) – Vitavim
Experience the potent benefits of wheatgrass with Vitavim’s freeze-dried wheatgrass juice powder. This convenient supplement delivers all the nutritional power of fresh-pressed or frozen wheatgrass, without the fuss. Our innovative, eco-friendly process uses advanced lyophilization technology to preserve the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes without adding preservatives, fillers, or harmful substances.
This is the same beloved wheatgrass, now offered in a more convenient, shelf-stable form perfect for those who dislike the strong taste of fresh juice. Vitavim wheatgrass powder is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with:
- Over 90% of essential vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, E, C, D, K, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, and more; Minerals including Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus, and Selenium; Chlorophyll, glucose, fiber, and more.
- 20+ vital amino acids: Alanine, cysteine, isoleucine, L-lysine, leucine, L-arginine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, tyrosine, valine, tryptophan, and more.
- Abundant enzymes: Essential for optimal bodily functions.
- 38% easily digestible plant-based protein.
A single 30ml serving (equivalent to 4 tablets) provides the nutritional equivalent of 1.5-2 kg of mixed fruits, vegetables, and greens, boasting:
- Twice the beta-carotene (provitamin A) of carrots.
- More vitamin C than lemons.
- More vitamin B than milk.
- More iron than spinach.
Vitavim wheatgrass juice powder supports overall health and well-being by:
- Detoxifying the body: Cleansing blood, liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and lungs.
- Boosting immunity: Providing essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids.
- Promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails: Thanks to easily digestible beta-carotene and amino acids.
- Supporting respiratory health: Assisting in clearing lung congestion and neutralizing carbon monoxide.
- Balancing metabolism and gut health.
- Supporting healthy blood pressure and blood cell production.
- Providing sustained energy: Ideal for pre and post-workout recovery.
- Aiding in weight management.
- Improving vision.
- Supporting bone health.
- Assisting in recovery from illness or injury.
- Supporting healthy digestion.
- Providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support.
Vitavim Wheatgrass Juice Powder is a natural, whole-food supplement suitable for various health goals, from boosting immunity to supporting overall wellness. A daily serving of 30ml (4 tablets) is recommended for general health maintenance, with higher doses (8-12 tablets) suggested for athletes or those with specific health concerns. Consult your doctor before using this product if you have any underlying health conditions.
Wheatgrass juice, wheatgrass powder, freeze-dried wheatgrass, Vitavim, health supplement, detox, immunity boost, energy boost, weight management, skin health, hair health, digestive health, respiratory health, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, lyophilized, organic, natural, superfood, 15 day supply, convenient, shelf-stable.