Title: Surgicon J-22-012 Straight Surgical Scissors with One Sharp Point, 140mm
Precision Surgicon J-22-012 straight surgical scissors, featuring one sharp point and a 140mm overall length. Ideal for delicate dissection of soft tissues, these scissors are crafted from corrosion-resistant surgical-grade stainless steel. Designed for general surgical applications, they offer exceptional durability and performance.
Key Features:
- Overall Length: 145mm
- Blade Length: 45.5mm
- Blade Height: 4.9mm
- Handle Type: 2-branch ring handle
- Ring Size: 23.2mm x 19.5mm
- Sterilization: Autoclavable at 134°C and dry heat sterilizable up to 200°C
- Manufacturer: Surgicon, Pakistan
surgical scissors, straight scissors, one sharp point scissors, 140mm scissors, surgical instruments, general surgery instruments, dissection scissors, surgical-grade stainless steel, Surgicon, J-22-012, autoclavable scissors, surgical supplies, medical instruments, Pakistan surgical instruments, precision scissors, soft tissue dissection