Title: Sterile Gauze Y-Cut Tracheostomy Tube & Drain Pads (Gazin) – 10x10cm, 5 Packs of 10
Gazin sterile gauze pads offer superior protection and comfort for tracheostomy tube and drain sites. These 10x10cm, 8-ply pads feature a unique Y-cut design that effectively keeps the peristoma skin dry and minimizes irritation. Made from 100% breathable cotton gauze (17 threads/cm), they provide excellent absorbency and gentle support. Each pad is individually wrapped for sterility and hygiene. Sold in packs of 10, with 5 packs per box (total 50 pads). Ideal for use with catheters, drains, and tracheostomy tubes. Experience the superior quality and comfort of Gazin.