Title: 10x 2.5L Yellow Class B Medical Waste Containers with Needle Destroyer – Aldans
These 10 Aldans Class B medical waste containers are designed for safe and efficient disposal of sharps and other medical waste, complying with SanPiN standards. Each 2.5-liter yellow container is made from a high-strength, puncture-resistant, and leak-proof polymer composite. Ready-to-use and non-disassembleable, these containers feature a built-in needle destroyer with four uniquely shaped slots, including one universal slot with a beveled edge for contactless cannula removal.
The needle destroyer recess (5mm deeper than the lid surface) prevents biomaterial contact and contamination. A screw-on lid securely covers the needle destroyer to minimize aerosol contamination. Containers are designed for use up to three days. G-shaped side cutouts facilitate horizontal mounting. The biologically hazardous symbol is molded directly onto the container, and the color-coded label clearly indicates waste class and provides space for additional markings.
Key Features:
- Capacity: 2.5 liters
- Quantity: 10 units
- Class: B (sharps)
- Color: Yellow
- Material: High-strength, puncture-resistant polymer composite
- Needle Destroyer: Integrated with multiple uniquely shaped slots for various cannulae
- Lid: Screw-on, airtight
- Mounting: G-shaped cutouts for horizontal surface mounting
- Markings: Molded biohazard symbol and color-coded waste class label
- Shelf Life: 8 years (in original packaging)
- Needle Destroyer Dimensions: Minimum 20x30mm opening, 1.5mm minimum thickness
- Packaging: Polyethylene pallet
- Ideal for: Small clinics, dentists, FAPs, health centers, and emergency medical kits.
SEO Keywords:
medical waste containers, sharps containers, class b medical waste, yellow medical waste containers, aldans, needle destroyer, puncture resistant, leak proof, 2.5 liter, 10 pack, medical waste disposal, biohazard, healthcare waste, medical supplies, dental supplies, clinic supplies, sharps disposal, SanPiN, medical waste management.