Title: 100 x Sterile Acupuncture Needles with Copper Handles (0.40mm x 60mm)
Enhanced Description
Experience the precision and comfort of Zhongyan Taihe acupuncture needles. This 100-pack of sterile, single-use needles features a 0.40mm diameter needle and a 60mm needle length (excluding the handle). Each needle boasts a meticulously crafted copper handle for superior grip and control during treatment.
Manufactured using cutting-edge Chinese technology, these needles are made from high-tensile surgical steel for reliable performance and durability. The triple-polished needles, finished with a specialized coating, ensure a virtually painless acupuncture experience for your patients. Zhongyan Taihe’s commitment to quality guarantees consistent, dependable results every time. Order your pack today and elevate your acupuncture practice.