Title: 1000µL Pipette Tips, 250 Pack – High Precision for Automated Dispensing
Description: These high-precision 1000µL pipette tips are designed for accurate dispensing and pipetting of various liquids using automated dispensers and robotic systems. Manufactured using advanced techniques, they feature a super-smooth surface for minimal wetting, ensuring complete sample delivery. Compatible with most major brands including BIOHIT, GILSON, and Thermo Fisher Scientific (Linpipet), these polypropylene tips offer superior performance and reliability in your laboratory. 250 tips per pack.
Keywords: 1000µL pipette tips, pipette tips, 1000ul pipette tips, 1ml pipette tips, pipetting tips, automated pipette tips, robotic pipette tips, high precision pipette tips, low retention pipette tips, polypropylene pipette tips, BIOHIT pipette tips, GILSON pipette tips, Thermo Fisher Scientific pipette tips, Linpipet pipette tips, laboratory supplies, lab consumables, 250 pack pipette tips, dispensing tips