Title: 100% Pure Kyrgyz Shilajit (Mumiyo) – 5g
Experience the power of 100% pure, refined Kyrgyz shilajit, a natural substance with a rich history of traditional use. This 5g pack provides a convenient and versatile way to harness its potential benefits.
Internal Use:
Dissolve 0.2g (up to 70kg body weight), 0.3g (70-80kg), 0.4g (80-90kg), or 0.5g (over 90kg) in water, juice, tea, or milk, or simply let it dissolve under your tongue. Daily dosage should not exceed 0.6g (up to 70kg), 0.9g (70-80kg), 1.2g (80-90kg), or 1.5g (over 90kg). A typical 28-day course requires approximately 17g (up to 70kg), 25g (70-80kg), 34g (80-90kg), or 42g (over 90kg).
External Use:
For minor skin abrasions, dissolve 10g in ½ cup of water and apply twice daily to the affected area. For chronic or infected wounds, use a solution of 30g shilajit in ½ cup of water. To relieve joint pain, mastitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, boils, and similar ailments, apply a compress. Depending on the affected area, flatten 2-10g of shilajit into a thin layer, apply to the problem area, cover with plastic wrap, and secure with a bandage. Leave on overnight, but do not use more than once every two to three days to avoid irritation. The used shilajit can be reused multiple times.
Important Note:
This product is not a medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Consult your healthcare provider before using shilajit, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
SEO Keywords:
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