Title: Nickel-Plated Ear Speculum #1, Model VZ-Z-40-1
The Decoromir Nickel-Plated Ear Speculum #1 (VZ-Z-40-1) is a high-quality instrument designed for thorough examination of the deep external auditory canal and tympanic membrane. Crafted from durable, stainless steel alloys for extended lifespan, these reusable specula ensure reliable performance. Always inspect for damage upon receipt. Before each use (including the first), thorough cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization are crucial for optimal hygiene and infection control. Effective sterilization relies on meticulous cleaning and disinfection procedures.
Key Features:
- Type: Retracting Speculum
- Use: Reusable
- Length: 38 mm
- Inner Diameter (Working Part): 3.2 mm
- Outer Diameter (Working Part): 4 mm
ear speculum, otoscope speculum, aural speculum, medical instrument, nickel-plated speculum, ear examination, ENT instrument, reusable speculum, stainless steel speculum, VZ-Z-40-1, Decoromir, tympanic membrane examination, external auditory canal examination, otorhinolaryngology, medical supplies, surgical instrument
SEO Considerations:
The title and description are concise and include relevant keywords. The use of long-tail keywords (“ear examination,” “tympanic membrane examination”) targets more specific searches. The key features section provides easily digestible information improving user experience. The keyword list helps further optimize for various search terms.