Title: TENA Lady Maxi Night Overnight Absorbent Pads (12 Count)
Description: Experience ultimate overnight protection with TENA Lady Maxi Night incontinence pads. Designed for women with light, moderate, or heavy bladder leakage, these super-absorbent pads offer discreet comfort and reliable protection throughout the night. The innovative instaDRY™ zone instantly absorbs moisture, preventing leaks and keeping you feeling dry and confident. Advanced micro-granules neutralize odor, ensuring freshness and discretion. Their anatomical shape and soft side-leg elastics provide a secure, comfortable fit. Enjoy triple protection against leaks, wetness, and odor. These pads are dermatologically tested for sensitive skin, individually wrapped for discreet disposal, and feature a breathable, soft material for all-day comfort. Unlike regular sanitary pads, TENA Lady Maxi Night pads are specifically engineered for urinary incontinence, offering superior absorbency (4-drop rating) and superior leak protection. Say goodbye to unexpected leaks and hello to worry-free nights. Made without fragrances or perfumes. Available at pharmacies and online.