Title: Seni Super Plus Air Adult Diapers, Size M (7 Drops), 30 Count – Breathable & High-Absorbency for Incontinence
Seni Super Plus Air adult diapers offer superior protection and comfort for individuals experiencing severe incontinence. Designed for immobile and bedridden patients, these breathable diapers feature:
- Superior Absorption: A double absorbent layer with antibacterial superabsorbent ensures rapid and even absorption, neutralizing unpleasant odors.
- Breathable Outer Layer: Reduces the risk of skin irritation and rashes.
- Secure Fit: Elastic waistband provides optimal comfort and prevents leaks.
- Leak Guards: Hydrophobic side barriers offer additional protection against leaks.
- Wetness Indicator: A double indicator clearly shows the diaper’s saturation level.
- Gentle Material: Soft, non-woven top sheet is kind to sensitive skin.
- EDS Distribution Layer: Ensures fast and even absorption.
- Suitable for all: Designed for both men and women, these unisex diapers are ideal for adults of all sizes. Effective for both urine and fecal incontinence.
Seni Super Plus Air diapers provide reliable protection and peace of mind, allowing for a more comfortable and confident life. Choose Seni Super Plus for the ultimate in absorbency and comfort for your loved one. Order your 30-count pack of size M (7-drop absorbency) today.