Title: Bobrodok Lecithin Syrup for Enhanced Memory & Focus (3 x 50ml)
Bobrodok Lecithin Syrup is a natural, native remedy formulated with a biogenic complex of phospholipids and phosphatidylcholines derived from sunflower seeds, amaranth seeds, and egg yolk. Enhanced with an eco-extract of plant organelle structures, it’s designed to improve brain function in several key ways:
- Enhances Cognitive Function: Improves nerve impulse transmission in the brain, boosts memory and concentration, and restores brain cell structure. Supports higher-order cognitive functions like perception and reasoning.
- Reduces Nervous System Stress: Alleviates irritability, fatigue, and emotional lability caused by phospholipid and lecithin deficiencies. Helps prevent asthenoneurosis and improves psychomotor and speech development. Facilitates learning and information retention.
- Supports Cardiovascular Health: Improves motor skills, vascular tone, and prevents cerebral vasospasm, headaches, and dizziness. May improve hearing loss related to vascular issues and reduce tinnitus. Normalizes blood and lymph rheology and composition.
- Neuroprotective Benefits: Improves cognitive function in cases of congenital or acquired dementia. Helps prevent damage to the myelin sheath of nerve fibers (potentially beneficial in conditions like multiple sclerosis). Addresses neurological deficits and enhances the body’s resistance to stress. Reduces brain hypoxia and normalizes metabolic and bioenergetic processes within nerve cells (stimulates protein and RNA synthesis, improves glucose utilization). Supports healthy neuron interaction and helps prevent conditions that trigger epileptic seizures. Reduces the risk of vascular pathologies and associated conditions.
- Liver & Overall Health Support: Bobrodok offers multifaceted support for liver function, skin health, and the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. It aids in improving liver function in cases of infection, medication, or food poisoning; normalizes metabolic processes in liver cells; enhances detoxification and excretion; regulates fat metabolism; helps prevent obesity; addresses dermatoses; normalizes blood sugar levels; alleviates depression; prevents oxidative processes; protects vision; boosts immune response; increases physical activity; improves digestion and nutrient absorption; addresses cardiovascular issues; neutralizes and removes triglycerides from the bloodstream, helping prevent atherosclerosis.
Bobrodok is a natural, biocompatible micellar complex containing no drugs, synthetics, GMOs, hormones, or preservatives. It’s non-habit-forming, exhibits nootropic properties, and produces no adverse side effects. Its primary action focuses on brain cell and nerve fiber function, while also providing general strengthening, adaptive, restorative, and regulatory effects on the endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. For enhanced taste, add 1-2 drops of flavor activator (sold separately) per serving.
Store below 25°C. (77°F)
Bobrodok, Lecithin, Memory Improvement, Focus Enhancement, Cognitive Function, Brain Health, Nerve Health, Nootropic, Natural Supplement, Phospholipids, Phosphatidylcholine, Sunflower Seed, Amaranth Seed, Egg Yolk, Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Vascular Health, Liver Support, Immune Support, Stress Relief, Fatigue, Irritability, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Headache Relief, Sleep Improvement, Cognitive Decline, Brain Function, Neurological Disorders, Natural Remedy, Biogenic Complex.