Title: ORTO BT-440 Post-Surgical Chest Support Bandage – Men’s & Women’s Thoracic Orthosis
The ORTO BT-440 thoracic orthosis provides firm, even support for the chest after surgery or injury. This post-surgical bandage features a two-component design with a detachable elastic base, vertical and horizontal elastic straps, and a non-elastic chest plate. The innovative AirPlus technology ensures comfort and effective immobilization. The non-elastic chest plate, coupled with its unique design and inserts, provides exceptional support during both inhalation and exhalation, minimizing pain and accelerating recovery time. Ideal for post-sternotomy procedures and cardiovascular surgery, this adjustable bandage (24cm base, 32cm chest plate) is suitable for both men and women. Reduce pain, improve breathing, and promote healing with the ORTO BT-440. Detailed sizing chart available in the images.
post-surgical bandage, chest support bandage, thoracic orthosis, sternotomy, cardiovascular surgery, chest pain relief, post-operative recovery, ORTO BT-440, AirPlus technology, men’s chest support, women’s chest support, abdominal support, surgical recovery, thoracic brace, pain relief after surgery, medical bandage, chest binder, post-operative care