Title: Seni Active Adult Diaper Briefs, XL – 60 Count (10 Briefs/Pack x 6 Packs)
Seni Active Air adult diaper briefs offer superior protection and comfort for moderate urinary incontinence. Designed for active individuals and those undergoing physical rehabilitation, these soft, breathable briefs feel like regular underwear. Easy to put on and off with tear-away side seams, they provide unrestricted movement and a discreet fit.
Key Features:
- Breathable outer layer: Reduces the risk of skin irritation and rashes.
- Superabsorbent core: Neutralizes odor and ensures rapid, even absorption.
- Additional EDS distribution layer: For enhanced absorption and dryness.
- Hydrophobic side barriers: Prevent leakage.
- Wetness indicator: Shows when a change is needed.
- “Front” marking: Clearly indicates the front of the brief.
- XL Size: Fits waist and hip sizes 120-160 cm (47-63 inches).
- Bulk Pack: 60 briefs total (10 briefs per pack x 6 packs), offering exceptional value.
Seni Active Air briefs are the ideal solution for maintaining dignity and comfort for adults with moderate incontinence. Experience reliable protection and unrestricted movement, allowing you to live life to the fullest. Perfect for both men and women. Order your bulk pack today and enjoy peace of mind.
Seni Active, adult diapers, adult diaper briefs, incontinence briefs, absorbent briefs, breathable diapers, elderly care, rehabilitation, urinary incontinence, adult incontinence products, disposable diapers, XL diapers, bulk diapers, 60 count diapers, Seni Active XL, adult diapers XL, incontinence supplies, elderly incontinence, leak protection, comfort diapers, reliable diapers, easy to use diapers, tear away side seams, moisture wicking, odor control.