Title: BEFUL Vetiver & Amber Alcohol-Based Hand & Surface Sanitizer Spray (20ml) – For Manicures, Pedicures & Tools
BEFUL Vetiver & Amber Alcohol-Based Hand & Surface Sanitizer Spray offers superior hygiene and a luxurious fragrance. This 20ml spray is perfect for on-the-go protection, effectively eliminating up to 99.9% of germs. Ideal for hands, surfaces, manicure and pedicure tools, and even sex toys, this sanitizer ensures thorough disinfection wherever you need it.
Its convenient spray bottle makes application quick and easy. The sophisticated Vetiver & Amber scent leaves your hands feeling clean and refreshed, unlike harsh, chemical-smelling alternatives. Our pocket-sized bottle is perfect for your purse, car, or travel bag, ensuring you’re always prepared.
Key features:
- Broad-spectrum germ-killing: Eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.
- Versatile application: Suitable for hands, surfaces, manicure/pedicure tools, and more.
- Convenient spray bottle: Easy and mess-free application.
- Luxurious fragrance: Enjoy the sophisticated scent of Vetiver & Amber.
- Compact size: Perfect for travel and everyday use.
- Alcohol-based formula: Provides effective and reliable disinfection.
Maintain optimal hygiene with BEFUL’s premium alcohol-based hand and surface sanitizer. Order yours today and experience the difference!