Title: KO-102 Posture Corrector S/M
Product Description:
The KO-102 Posture Corrector (size S/M) provides a comfortable and effective solution for correcting postural deformities in children. Its innovative design promotes the development of proper posture through gentle, consistent support. Key features include:
- Gentle Correction: The corrector encourages correct posture by applying gentle pressure to the shoulder area, promoting muscle memory and improving posture without restricting movement. The design considers the child’s developing musculoskeletal system.
- Unrestricted Movement: The unique frame design and lack of rigid straps allow for complete freedom of movement in the upper shoulders and arms, ensuring comfort throughout the day.
- Muscle Strengthening: By encouraging proper posture, the KO-102 strengthens back muscles through static tension, improving endurance and reducing fatigue.
- Discreet Design: Its lightweight and slim design ensures it’s comfortable and virtually invisible under clothing.
- Maximum Comfort: The soft, comfortable materials prevent pressure points on bony prominences and underarms, allowing for extended wear.
Intended Use:
Correction of thoracic spine deformities.
The KO-102 is indicated for various postural deviations, including:
- Lateral Plane: Scoliosis
- Anterior-Posterior Plane: Kyphosis (slouching, upper cross syndrome)
- Combined Deformities: Combinations of scoliosis and kyphosis
- Prevention: Prevention of spinal problems associated with prolonged static loads and rapid fatigue.