Title: Newborn Baby Hair Brush and Comb Set for Cradle Cap Removal
This gentle newborn baby hair brush and comb set is designed for the delicate care of your little one’s hair. Perfect for removing cradle cap, this hypoallergenic set features a soft, natural bristle brush (e.g., goat hair) for gently detangling even the curliest hair, and a massaging comb to stimulate scalp circulation and promote healthy hair growth. Made from durable, natural wood, this compact set is ideal for use at home or on-the-go, easily fitting into a diaper bag for travel to the hospital or anywhere else. The set is suitable for both baby girls and boys and makes a thoughtful baby shower gift, newborn gift, Christmas gift, or christening gift. This essential addition to any baby’s grooming kit provides safe and effective cradle cap removal and gentle daily hair care. The mini brush and comb are designed for the sensitive skin of newborns and are perfect for bath time and everyday use. Choose safe, natural materials for your baby’s delicate scalp.