Title: Kidney & Bladder Balm: Relief from Cystitis, Pyelonephritis & Kidney Stone Prevention (200ml)
Balm No. 7 for Kidneys and Bladder is a herbal complex designed to support kidney, bladder, and urinary tract health. This potent blend of medicinal herbs targets homeostatic, osmoregulatory, metabolic, and cleansing functions. Its anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, and strengthening properties provide comprehensive support. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this balm (for oral administration) may also be beneficial in supporting cellular health within the kidneys and bladder at various stages.
Recommended for:
- Impaired kidney detoxification
- Inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract
- Cellular changes in the kidneys and bladder
- Infectious kidney diseases
- Renal insufficiency
- Frequent urination
- Nephroptosis (kidney prolapse)
Dosage & Administration:
Take 1-2 teaspoons orally, twice daily, 30 minutes before meals. Shake well before use.
Key Benefits:
- Protects cells from free radical damage
- Binds and eliminates metabolic toxins
- Restores urinary tract health
- Helps prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (including cystitis)
- May help dissolve kidney and bladder stones
- Alleviates inflammation and infection in the kidneys and bladder
- May help prevent stone formation
- Improves metabolic processes
- Reduces swelling (edema)
- Relieves kidney inflammation symptoms
- Prevents bladder weakness
- Cleanses the genitourinary tract
- Enhances kidney filtration
- Regulates urinary urges
- Helps prevent metabolic disturbances and oxalate formation
Not a medicine. Consult a healthcare professional before use.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, individuals under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to any components, and individual intolerance.
SEO Keywords:
kidney balm, bladder balm, cystitis relief, pyelonephritis treatment, kidney stone prevention, bladder stone prevention, herbal kidney remedy, herbal bladder remedy, urinary tract health, kidney support, bladder support, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, detoxification, renal insufficiency support, frequent urination relief, nephroptosis, kidney infection, bladder infection, natural kidney remedy, natural bladder remedy, 200ml balm, oral administration