Title: Siberian Cedar Resin 10% in Cold-Pressed Oil – Natural Antibiotic & Antiseptic Balm
Description: Siberian cedar resin is a potent natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It supports the body’s response to acute respiratory infections (ARIs), chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, and low immunity. This powerful balm promotes rapid healing of skin damage, including inflammation, acne, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, hives, psoriasis, diaper rash, and mastitis, leaving skin radiant and clear. Its antiparasitic properties are beneficial for gastrointestinal issues like peptic ulcers, chronic enteritis, and colitis. Cedar resin aids detoxification, normalizes digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory function, and reduces chronic fatigue. With our 10% resin formula, you may be able to avoid antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and hormonal medications, along with their potential side effects. Its therapeutic benefits stem from a rich composition including vitamins C and D, fatty and resinous acids, alcohols, esters, succinic acid, and plant-based components. Our resin is sustainably harvested from living cedar trees in the pristine Altai Mountains, using a cold-pressed, non-destructive method and infused in high-quality cold-pressed oil. Even if you’ve used cedar resin before, we recommend a patch test due to the exceptional potency of our sustainably sourced product, which far surpasses industrially produced resins. Also known as turpentine or turpentine balsam.