Title: 140mm Blunt-Ended Surgical Scissors – Stainless Steel, Sterilizable
Precision-crafted 140mm (14cm) blunt-ended surgical scissors made from high-quality stainless steel. Featuring one sharp and one blunt tip, these versatile scissors are ideal for a variety of applications, including medical procedures (wound care, bandage removal), veterinary use, and everyday tasks. Their durable stainless steel construction ensures longevity and resistance to sterilization. Perfect for clinics, hospitals, first aid kits, and home use.
surgical scissors, blunt-ended scissors, medical scissors, stainless steel scissors, 140mm scissors, 14cm scissors, veterinary scissors, bandage scissors, wound care scissors, first aid scissors, sterilizable scissors, surgical instruments, medical supplies, home scissors, office scissors, stainless steel surgical instruments.