Title: 3ml Three-Part Syringe with 23G Needle (0.6 x 30mm) – 25 Pack – SFM Hospital Products GmbH, Germany
High-quality, sterile, single-use 3ml three-part syringes from SFM Hospital Products GmbH, Germany. Each syringe features a 23G needle (0.6 x 30mm) with Luer lock connection, pre-attached for convenient use. These syringes are ideal for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, and other medical and diagnostic procedures.
Made from medical-grade polypropylene, these syringes offer a smooth, low-friction piston for painless injections. The secure piston stopper prevents medication loss, while the clear graduations ensure accurate measurement. The ergonomic design provides a comfortable and secure grip. A robust double-stop ring prevents accidental piston detachment during medication draw.
Individually packaged in a peelable blister pack (medical-grade paper and polyethylene/polyamide film) for sterility and ease of opening without fiber shedding. Non-toxic and apyrogenic. Sterilized using ethylene oxide.
Key Features:
- Type: Three-part syringe
- Volume: 3ml
- Needle Size: 23G (0.6 x 30mm)
- Needle Connection: Luer lock
- Packaging: Sterile blister pack (25 syringes)
- Manufacturer: SFM Hospital Products GmbH
- Country of Origin: Germany
3ml syringe, three-part syringe, disposable syringe, medical syringe, injection syringe, 23G needle, 0.6 x 30mm needle, luer lock syringe, sterile syringe, single-use syringe, SFM Hospital Products, Germany, medical supplies, healthcare supplies, apyrogenic, non-toxic, ethylene oxide sterilization, blister pack, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection.