Title: Lyapko Applicator “Drop” with Silver Needles (3.5mm spacing), 2 pcs, 3.3cm x 3.3cm, with Elastic Strap
Enhanced Description
The Lyapko “Drop” applicator is a revolutionary tool for facial and décolleté rejuvenation. This compact design features two 3.3cm x 3.3cm square applicators with a 3.5mm needle spacing, ideal for sensitive skin. The uniquely designed applicators easily slip onto fingertips, allowing for precise and targeted massage.
Key Benefits
- Targeted Treatment: Perfect for delicate areas like the face and décolleté. The 3.5mm needle spacing provides effective yet gentle stimulation.
- Silver Needle Technology: The needles, composed of silver, nickel, iron, and copper, create micro-currents during massage, promoting deeper penetration and improved circulation.
- Enhanced Skincare: Boosts the effectiveness of your favorite creams and serums, accelerating skin rejuvenation and lifting effects.
- Improved Skin Tone & Texture: Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin elasticity and overall complexion.
- Convenient Design: Two applicators are included, and the elastic strap ensures comfortable use.
- Dual-Purpose Use: Ideal for both therapeutic and preventative skin care. Enjoy regular massage sessions to boost collagen production and skin regeneration.
How it Works
The Lyapko “Drop” applicator utilizes the principles of reflexology and galvanic stimulation. The strategically placed needles gently stimulate acupuncture points, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This promotes cell regeneration, reduces inflammation, and improves overall skin health.
The color of the applicator may vary from the image shown. This does not affect its therapeutic efficacy.