Title: Nutrilite Amway Chewable Calcium & Magnesium Tablets (80 Count)
Support your body’s essential needs with Nutrilite Amway Chewable Calcium & Magnesium Tablets. These delicious tropical fruit-flavored chewables provide vital calcium, magnesium, and beta-carotene. Perfect for those who struggle to swallow pills, these tablets are also suitable for diabetics (contain minimal carbohydrates and calories) and vegetarians (note: contains calcium carbonate derived from oyster shells). Formulated without GMOs, gluten, or lactose.
The Calcium & Magnesium Duo:
Calcium aids muscle contraction, while magnesium promotes relaxation. This vital partnership is crucial for healthy blood vessels, heart rhythm, intestinal peristalsis, and numerous other bodily functions. Since a deficiency in one mineral can deplete the other (including from bone stores), maintaining a proper balance is essential for optimal health.
Nutrilite, Amway, chewable calcium, chewable magnesium, calcium magnesium supplement, calcium supplement, magnesium supplement, beta-carotene, tropical fruit flavor, easy to swallow, diabetic friendly, vegetarian supplement, gluten free, lactose free, GMO free, bone health, muscle health, heart health, digestive health, mineral balance.